Banking & Financial Services
Copy Cat has a wide and varied experience of the Finance sector for over 25 years. Our experience ranges from dealing with traditional banks to asset management insurance institutions and brokerages.
Copy Cat has a wide and varied experience of the Hospitality sector for over 25 years. Our experience ranges from dealing with Hotel chains to standalone hotels and convention centers.
Our Hospitality solutions deliver sophisticated services that differentiate your brand and create a personalized experience for each guest.
Copy Cat has a wide and varied experience of the Retail sector. Our experience ranges from dealing with Integrated developments, Multi-Brand Malls to Specialty Retail Outlets and Supermarkets.
The future of retail is increasingly mobile and personalized.
Copy Cat has extensive and varied experience of the central Government sector for over 25 years in the East African Region. Our experience ranges from delivery of a wide range of Consultancy and ICT solutions to national and international Government and a broad range of other Government Departments and Agencies.